User Guide

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[custom_headline type="left" level="h2" looks_like="h4" accent="true"]Getting Started[/custom_headline]

This article briefly describes how to use News+ from the start. After downloading News+ and starting it for the first time you will find one of News+ best feature: Google News

Select your region and stay up to date with the latest news.


Now you can install one of the extensions on this list: Extensions

For instance: Feedly


Open the extension and start News+ from there. Now Feedly is displayed in the extension list:


Click on it and log in with your credentials.

getting_started_4            getting_started_5


After logging into Feedly you will see the home view.

To see folders and tags in the list press view options button. There you have the options to choose between “Feeds only” and “Feeds and Tags”.

Subscriptions and Folders/Tags are displayed on the home view. By clicking on a subscription/tag will open all articles belonging to it.

Article List

By pressing on the view options button you can change between list/ grid view and choose how to sort your articles.

To view an article just click on it.

Article View



To view the whole article you can press on the title or the browser button.

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[custom_headline type="left" level="h2" looks_like="h4" accent="true"]Extensions[/custom_headline]

Here is the list of current services that News+ supports:


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[custom_headline type="left" level="h2" looks_like="h4" accent="true"]Managing Subscriptions[/custom_headline]

Add a new subscription

In order to add a new subscription, just press on the + button on top. From there you can search for your favourite feeds.

add_sub_1      add_sub_2


You can also add recommended feeds under "Browse" and "News".

add_sub_3      add_sub_4

Manage sources

Press on the title bar and choose "Manage Sources". Now you can sort or remove your feeds.

manage_source_1     manage_source_2


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[custom_headline type="left" level="h2" looks_like="h4" accent="true"]Reading[/custom_headline]

Mark Read On Scroll


By using the full-screen mode you have more latitude in order to navigate the app.

In order to enable the full screen mode, long press the title bar till the status bar disappears:


To exit the full-screen mode hold the title bar until the status bar turns back on.

On the full screened article view you will find the exit button on the bottom right of the article, on top of the zoom-in button.


Reading Mode

The Reading mode reduces all the unnecessary elements of an article to its main content. With it you can put your focus on the article.

Load the article link and then press on the capital R. You will see that the article is going to be reduced to its main content.

readingmode_1                   readingmode_2

Quick/Swipe Actions

In order to define Quick and Swipe actions go to: Settings -> Look and Feel.

There many different options for you to choose.
quick_actions_1          quick_actions_2

Quick actions can be performed by clicking on the left or right site of each article.

Swipe actions can be performed by swiping each article to left or right.

quick            swipe


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[custom_headline type="left" level="h2" looks_like="h4" accent="true"]Reading[/custom_headline]

Change theme

Go to Settings -> Themes to choose the theme.


News+ features 6 Themes : Default (White), Dark, Black, Blue and Green.

theme_blue           them_green

Use dark user interface to read your feeds. Black background saves battery life and improve better reading in the night.

Night mode

You can turn your reading pages into night mode by pressing Menu->Inverse Page in the article view. The pages will be transformed to white text on black background.


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[custom_headline type="left" level="h2" looks_like="h4" accent="true"]Widgets[/custom_headline]


Icon with unread count (1x1)


This widget is an icon which shows the number of unread articles for a specific feed/folder/tag. You can change which resource you are directed to when creating the widget.

Medium Ticker (4x2) (Premium)
[block_grid type="two-up"]
[block_grid_item] greader_widget [/block_grid_item]

This widget is only available in the Premium version. It shows article headlines one-by-one for a certain resource. You can navigate by pressing on the arrow buttons. Pressing on the settings button let you reconfigure the widget. Refresh button starts synchronizing the resource.

In the settings you can change/enable:

  • the background of the widget (color, opacity)
  • the thumbnails of the items, which will be the new background
  • auto scrolling interval
  • number of articles to be shown

Large Ticker (4x4) (Premium)

[block_grid type="two-up"]
[block_grid_item] [/block_grid_item]
[block_grid_item] [/block_grid_item]

This scrollable widget shows you a list of article headlines for a certain resource.

In the settings you can change/enable:

  • the background of the widget (color, opacity)
  • the thumbnails of the articles, which will be shown on the right side
  • number of articles to be shown
  • Font size of the text


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[custom_headline type="left" level="h2" looks_like="h4" accent="true"]Search Filters[/custom_headline]

In News+ you can search for articles. By pressing on the Search button on the action bar you can enter a query you like to search. The item list will display articles where your query is in the title or the content. It is very easy to find articles.

Screenshot_2013-12-03-18-58-22           Screenshot_2013-12-03-18-59-21


The query support different kind of input:

  1. Normal text "text1 text2": Articles with the exact phrase "text1 text2" in the title or content will be listed.
  2. & - Operator "text1 & text2": Articles with the phrase "text1" AND " text2" in the title or content will be listed.
  3. | - Operator "text1 | text2": Articles with the phrase "text1" OR " text2" in the title or content will be listed.
  4. ! - Operator "!text1": Articles without the phrase "text1" in the title or content will be listed.

All the operators can be combined together in a query.

Search Filter

You can save the query in the filter to have a quick access later. You will find the filter in the tag list view.


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[custom_headline type="left" level="h2" looks_like="h4" accent="true"]Offline Reading[/custom_headline]

With News+ you can have all the latest news along the way without an internet connection. The News+ app downloads for you all the news on to your android phone.

In order to enable that function go to Settings -> Offline Reading and then this screen will pop up:

Screenshot_2013-10-03-15-43-18          Screenshot_2013-10-03-15-42-46

By clicking Offline Usage (beta) you can either enable or disble the Offline reading function. You can also decide on how many items per feed are going to be downloaded at a time by pressing Feed items limit.

The options Load full content and Cache feed images allow you to download the article contents and images while synchronizing and with Full content format you can choose between the content formats: Simplified or Normal page.

Simplified is a format which only contains the content of the article whereas Normal page not just only contains the content but also the web content.

In order to download a single article, open the article that you want to download (with an internet connection) then press the Menu button and then press Save page:

To access the saved article you can either go to the article directly (the article will open then without an internet connection) or by pressing the Star button in the title bar of the home screen. Press on Saved items and you will find a list with all of the saved articles:



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[custom_headline type="left" level="h2" looks_like="h4" accent="true"]Podcast[/custom_headline]

Podcasts are shows, similar to radio or TV shows, that are produced by professionals or amateurs and posted to the Internet for download and listening or viewing.

With News+ you can stream all the podcasts from your favourite article sites.

This icon on an article represents a podcast:


To access all of your podcasts at once click on the menu bar, then click on Podcasts:

podcast_1         podcast_2

There you will find a list with all of your podcasts. To stream a podcast click on one of them and then click this podcast_icobutton.
To download click on Download or to stream click on Stream.
By pulling down the status bar you'll find the current streaming podcast and by clicking at it a window will pop up which allows you to either forward or backward the streaming podcast:

podcast_3       podcast_4

If you click Stop the current streaming podcast will stop and if you click on Close this window will close but the podcast will remain streaming.


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[custom_headline type="left" level="h2" looks_like="h4" accent="true"]Voice Reading[/custom_headline]

In order to activate the Voice Reading feature, just click on the speaker button in article view.

Screenshot_2013-11-19-16-51-43           Screenshot_2013-11-19-16-52-01


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[custom_headline type="left" level="h2" looks_like="h4" accent="true"]Premium Features[/custom_headline]

  •  Support developers
  •  No Ads
  •  More widgets
  •  Downloading Podcasts
  •  Voice Reading
